Selasa, 01 November 2016

Investor Presentation


      Eka Desmawati
      Evalina Gusti Septiani
      Gadis Novel Asmara Eko
      Gloria Natalia Arista Selanno
      Indah Kurnia
      Laila Fitria
      Retno Puji Lestari

Dubai is the country that we are going to invest. 

The country famously called The City of Gold has gotten our

intention to develop cooperation in investment.

V i s i t   D u b a i



The type of passport and visa we need to go to 




The passport will be just Common passport, and the visa

that we will use is Limited Stay Visa.

    We choose Emirates airlines because it will give us the advantages, such as:

1) Direct flight, so that it will be more efficient.

2) It
costs cheaper,  as it doesn’t require us to make other visa; therefore, we don’t need to transit. 

There are some reasons Why We Choose Dubai

1.Dubai has progressed very rapidly and is called one of the richest countries

2.It has Eco-friendly environment, and is still uses the sunlight as the main source of energy, as well as many other different sources of energy that are free of carbon and pollution

3.It is the center of globalization that brings a lot of communities and expert people from all across the world, and thus, makes it important for investors.

A      Other reasons according to The Richest :
1. Geography location
2. Infrastructure
3. Harbors
4. Recreations and comfort facilities 
5. Playgrounds and beaches
6. Wealth and glamour life-styles
7. Incredible real estate profits
8. The ongoing constructions
9. Free economy taxes
10. Expo 2020 
11. The Stability of Politic and Economy


The Kind Of Bussiness That We Want To Run In Dubai

We will invest property share stock in Burj Alkhalifa.

We will be staying at Four Season Resort Dubai at Jumaerah beach. It costs $1200 for 2 nights.

       Why we choose this hotel ?


no    The reasons we chose this hotel are because it is close to Burj Al Arab Dubai. In addition, we also want to compare it to the hotel that we are going to invest.

            Meeting place

The meeting will take place in Burj Al Arab, Dubai, because it can minimize the budget and explore the facilities after the meeting later on.

          Meeting Topics

1.  Portfolio Review
2.  Investment Policy Statement
3.  Asset allocation
4.  Risk Management
5.  Profit policy

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